Sunday, August 10, 2008

Life as it seems..

Yesterday was a birth of a handsome bastard 16 years ago. His name? I'd rather not say it. But for some my friends. bet you would know who's he. He was the guy who left me alone to pick p pieces of my heart 2 years ago. tho its been so long, but the slightest memory of him just bring tears to my eyes. Those words had such great impact i wish i could just jump off a building somewhere. Too bad there werent any buildings at that time. Lucky him, i neennt haunt him at the death of night. Oh, poor restless soul of mine. LOL!! People who actually cared for me tod me a hundred times to forget about him but i just cant. I tried my best to go out to hi yesterday to wish him a very happy birthday but as soon i saw him, i tod myself to forget about it. "What the fuck? i had my birthday bash last year he dint bother to come up to me at least wish a simple wish?!" Whew. That felt extremely good, at least i got something out of me. How evil of me i guess, to treat him this way. Well, i guess i owe him a birthday wish. Happy fucking birthday,asshole!=)

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